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When you live in Florida you have to be prepared for hurricanes. These weather events can be anything from a nuisance to a catastrophe and the difference can come down to how well prepared you are. Hurricane season in Florida is from June 1 through November 30. However, the most likely times for hurricanes are the summer and early fall.

Tips For Preparing

There are several actions you can take to help you prepare for a hurricane. Below are some things you can do to protect your home well in advance of hurricane season.

  • Make sure your home is ready. If your home doesn’t conform to building codes, now is the time to make any necessary repairs or improvements. Be sure to check the outside of your home and roof.
  • Protect your windows. One of the biggest dangers of hurricanes is windows breaking and glass or other debris injuring the residents. Be sure to have hurricane shutters or other protection to make sure your windows don’t shatter under heavy winds or if debris hits them.
  • Secure your property. Another danger with hurricanes comes from trees that are old or that have large hanging branches. To prepare, cut down old trees and any branches that pose a hazard to you and your home. If a hurricane is imminent, you should also remove outside decorations on your home and anything on your property that could become dangerous during a hurricane. Objects such as outdoor furniture should be tied down or brought inside.
  • Use sandbags to secure doors. Have these on hand early before a hurricane is posing a threat to ensure that you are prepared. Sandbags are sold at many local hardware stores and are very useful for preventing your home from flooding during hurricanes and other powerful storms.
  • Stock your home with essentials. The power is likely to be out during a hurricane and local stores may run out of food and other items. To prepare, stock your home with a week’s supply of non-perishable food and drinking water. Other items you should have on hand include a first-aid kit, flashlights, batteries, personal hygiene items and matches. If you or anyone in your family takes any kind of medication, make sure you have a good supply prior to hurricane season.

When you are well prepared, you don’t have to fear hurricane season. It’s important to stay informed during this time and pay attention to alerts in the media and online. You can get accurate forecasts from the National Hurricane Center and always follow official announcements, such as orders to evacuate. Prepare now and have an evacuation plan ready in case you need to leave the premises to keep your family safe.